Press Release

Recovery and resilience plan ratified by the Council

Another step forward for the recovery plan. Download the ratified version of the recovery and resilience plan!

On Tuesday 13 July, the Council of the European Union gave its green light to the recovery and resilience plans of the first twelve member countries, including Belgium. This is a genuine success for our country which, despite its late start, is among the first countries to be validated.

The European Commission had already given its green light on 23 June. Belgium can now sign grant agreements in order to receive in September a pre-financing of up to 13% of the 5.9 billion granted to Belgium, i.e. 770 million euros.

"We are delighted to be one step closer to the recovery plan. Last on the starting grid, we finish in the top twelve countries. Proof that in our complex country, cooperative federalism can work", says Thomas Dermine, Secretary of State for Economic Recovery.

The latest version of the recovery plan can be consulted via these links:

FR - Plan national pour la reprise et la résilience.pdf

NL - Nationaal plan voor herstel een veerkracht.pdf